
The importance of package design cannot be understated. This is your last chance to close the sale or positively reinforce why the buyer made the right choice. And the input and expertise goes beyond the creative and marketing teams. Legal, product engineering, packaging engineering, compliance and just as important to a product’s on the shelf success as the designers who put all of this together.

Western Digital | Global and Regional Execution

PARENT BRAND & PACKAGING: I created an endorser brand identity system to increase parent brand visibility across all packaging. I led ideation process, pitched to senior management, and created an adaptable design system to be used across 20 form factors and 16 product brands. Best thing? It took up less than 3% of the existing design, making this an easy sell for the brand marketing team.

SANDISK REDESIGN PROPOSAL: I developed and presented this redesign. Consumer research emphasized the significance of the red bar to the SanDisk brand, with capacity and feature icons as secondary elements. Recognizing SanDisk's strong presence in the photography community, the proposal reorganized packaging content to prioritize photography. Images on the package would come from the broader marketing efforts, effectively tying all aspects of the launch together.

LAUNCHING PACKAGING IN MARKET: I directed the in-house team behind more than 20 global product launches per year, from creative pitch to final production. Packaging was designed for global and regional needs.

PlayStation | Consoles and accessories for Global and REGIONAL Execution